restaurant Thalassa was the elegant OLYMPIA DUKAKIS and the youthful Congressman John Sarbanes.
from Maryland.
Ms. Dukakis won the Academy Award playing CHER's Mother in the movie Moonstruck. She has
appeared in 100 stage plays and has also won a Golden Globe and Obies awards. She instucts in drama
at NYU/. Her cousin Michael Dukakis ran for President some years ago.
Opening in 15 days from now GODSPELL, music/lyrics by the master STEPHEN SCHWARTZ.(Wicked, Pippin and the opera, Seance on a Wet Afternoon ) at the Circle in the Square, 50 st, Bdwy. Still time to buy tickets, still time to invest. Producer Ken Davenport is bringing this phenomenal production with lots of surprises ( I can't divulge yet) So go see it.!! It will leave you singing - remember "Day by Day".