Friday, March 29, 2019

At the famous and beautiful RUSSIAN TEA ROOM, Louis Katsos,EMBA founder  presented  a panel  of real estate executives discussing the biggest question in New York--the AMAZON
deal and why JEFF BEZOS left Long Island City. .  Eric Benaim, CEO /President/Founder of Modern Spaces suggested Amazon would have stayed if MAYOR BLOOMBERG (a seasoned businessman) had done the deal.  AMAZON, AMAZON please come back!!!

Friday, March 8, 2019

St. Pauls chapel, famous because GEORGE WASHINGTON  prayed there and ALEXANDER HAMILTON who is buried there, presented ARTEMISIA, an opera based on the life of 17 century  painter ARTEMISIA GENTILESCHI. It is part of a series at the church, composed by Laura Schwendinger,  libretto by Ginger Strand ,  conducted by Lidiya Yankovskaya, , Music Director of Chicago Opera Theater. Congratulations to all to portray this ONLY woman artist of Italy, filled with rape, torture,blood,, an  eye operation struggle  and success..