Monday, April 8, 2019

Musical genius DAVID AMRAM played at "Cornelia in Exile"/Commons in Brooklyn, organized by Robin Hirsch. His band included  his son, Adam. The famous musician and composer gave a wonderful concert at the piano using many different instruments including a double piccolo, a French horn, a Chinese flute and hand drum. He reminisced from the 1950's on  playing tunes once played with JACK KEROUAC, THELONIUS MONK, and WOODIE GUTHRIE, but, it  was his "SCAT" poetry that wooed the audience clapping in time to the music. Maestro Amram also composed Hollywood film scores including "Splendor in the Grass" with NATALIE WOOD,
and is a master of both jazz and classical music and has conducted  many orchestras.He expanded his performance and invited 2 poets to join him on stage with their poems. Run to see him wherever you can, he is the BEST! and not to be missed.