Friday, July 12, 2024


LEMPICKA by Carson Kreitzer  and book/lyrics  Matt Gould and SUFFS , book, lyrics,music by Shaina Taub,

The story of painter Tamara  Lempicka. From Poland to California with husband and female loves.Volupulous women with curvy bodies in nude positions

Selling at Christies, Portrait of Majorie Ferry sold for 21 million!
HILLARY CLINTON  backed this musical.
SHAINA TAUB  writer lyricist and music

 The suffragettes movemenmt began in the l930's by Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton.They formed the NWSA  National Woman Suffrage Association  to win the right  to vote.They lectured, wrote, marched, lobbied,  to change the Constitutioon - guaranteeing women the right to vote.
It took one letter from one Mother to her son Harry  "A letter from Harry's Mother" encouraging him to vote - the last vote in the house- to vote YES, and he did and the ladies won the vote.